The purpose of our notebook blog

I’m setting up this blog for you, the students, and anyone interested in following the science you are all getting up to this semester in BIOL 441, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, at Linfield.  You’ll record your scientific procedures, data, and thoughts and analysis here.

This blog will be a permanent record of your work for later publications or posters, and it will also serve as a reminder of you doing some pretty amazing science as part of your classwork.

I encourage you to liven it up with images and thoughts, while keeping it fun but professional!  I’ll put up a post later on with some “rules” for the blogs, but if you keep it fun but professional and scientific, it will be hard to go too far wrong.

Looking forward to working with all of you this spring as we discover some new things about the biochemistry of yeast prions!

Basically, this blog is to record your observations so you can remember them and refer back to them, but also so you can share your results with the word.  In a word, this blog is about DISCOVERY.

You can check out last year’s blog (with some ideas) here:

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